Molly Beavers, CAS

2 min

Good Old-Fashioned Handwritten Notes

Picture this – you are getting your mail and as you are going through it you discover a handwritten card – real mail! – hidden amongst the mound of daily junk mail. Woohoo!

How does it make you feel to receive a handwritten card? Excited? Happy? Did it brighten your day?

I recently received three handwritten cards for various things; a thank you, a Congratulations on achievement, and a checking in/thinking of you type of message. All were from industry suppliers and friends. I was excited and appreciative of their thoughtfulness and it brightened my day. It made the person stand out and their gesture is something I won’t forget.


For the small amount of effort a handwritten note takes, it’s amazing the extent to which you can brighten the recipient’s day by sending one.


The little things that create a “WOW factor” for your customers are worth the investment several times over. It shows that you care and are appreciative of their business. Handwritten cards build relationships, earn customer loyalty, and also can make a major and lasting impression.


All of our emails and regular mailboxes are full of junk mail; if you want to stand out from the

crowd (aka your competition), try this tactic. Sending written notes versus an email thank you is much more genuine in today’s world.


I challenge you to set aside 15-30 minutes a week. Write your customers a thank you note for their recent order, send a congratulations to a client on a promotion, thank them for a referral, it was nice to meet you message, etc. See what kind of responses you receive.

From Molly Beavers, CAS - Bankers Advertising
